
William Martin’s Career Connections Benefit Raymond High School Grads
Career coach seeks to build on school’s strong community partnerships

Career Coach Guides North Panola Students Toward Bright Futures
April Jackson helps students transition from high school to successful careers

Booneville Career Coach Impressed by ‘Gold Mine’ of Local Opportunities
Hope Harrelson helps high school students find their way to rewarding futures

Holmes County Career Coach Helps Students Take Charge of Their Futures
Lorene Haymer connects students with local employers and in-demand professions

Career Coach Becky Tullos Creates Opportunities For Pearl High School Students
Longtime community leader thrives while helping 1,500 students in her hometown

Career Coach Helps Kosciusko Students Turn Conversations into Careers
Tommy Trussell connects high school graduates with promising futures

Harris Returns to Starkville High School as AcclerateMS Career Coach
SHS graduate helps students while strengthening workforce development

Lafayette County Career Coach Focuses on Building Mississippi’s Workforce
Ronnie Williams helps high schoolers discover paths to successful futures

Career Coaches Help Redefine Success for Today’s High School Graduates
Career Coaches Help Redefine Success for Today’s High School Graduates

Career coaches are a vital link in preparing students for the future
We believe there’s a place in the workforce for every Mississippian who follows a high-skill, high-tech career track into the future. And thanks to a growing focus on career and technical education, many high school students are well on their way to rewarding futures by the time they receive their diplomas.

Roberts Helps Kemper County Grads Embrace the Future with Confidence
Roberts Helps Kemper County CTE Grads Embrace the Future with Confidence

Hernando career coach helps match high school students with local businesses
Moffitt helps high school students navigate career opportunities in their communities